Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists in Saskatchewan:

  • are regulated health care professionals.
  • must hold a valid licence to practise the professions of audiology or speech-language pathology.
  • must hold a valid registration to use the professional titles of ‘Audiologist’ and ‘Speech-Language Pathologist’
  • must abide by the rules set out in the legislation and guiding documents of CSASK

The College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists of Saskatchewan (CSASK):

  • is the regulator for audiologists and speech-language pathologists in Saskatchewan.
  • serves the public interest by licensing and regulating the competent, safe, and ethical practice of audiology and speech-language pathology.
  • is accountable to the Government of Saskatchewan and to the Saskatchewan public
  • receives and reviews complaints against registered members/registrants as part of its efforts to protect the public.


You have the right to make a complaint to CSASK when concerns arise about an audiologist’s or speech-language pathologist’s practice or behaviour. 

Complaint, Investigation and Discipline Process Flowchart 

Contact the CSASK Executive Director/Registrar for questions related to CSASK’s complaint management process:

1260 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4R 2B4
(306)757-3990 or 1-866-757-3990


Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you have a concern with the professional practices or services provided by an audiologist or speech-language pathologist, you are encouraged to:
    • try speaking directly with the audiologist or speech-language pathologist. Problems may arise because there has been a misunderstanding or miscommunication.  Direct communication may resolve the concerns or questions and may enhance satisfaction with ongoing or future services.
    • try raising your concerns with the manager or clinic owner.
  • If the concern cannot be resolved or you are not comfortable discussing your concerns with the professional or the manager/owner, you may contact CSASK to discuss your concerns or submit a complaint.
  • You may use the CSASK Public Register to verify the registration and status of the individual involved in the complaint.
  • CSASK cannot order a professional to pay financial compensation to complainants. People interested in a determination of negligence or compensation should seek legal advice. 
  • Once you have reviewed the information included on this webpage, you may click here to submit a complaint. 
  • CSASK will require specific information, for example dates, time and important details.
  • When you submit a complaint, you are asking CSASK to look into the professional behaviour and/or services provided by the audiologist or speech-language pathologist named in the complaint.

The Professional Conduct Committee (PCC):

  • strives to ensure the complaint investigations are fair and transparent, while following the statute governing the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology in Saskatchewan (The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologist Act).
  • is responsible for reviewing and investigating the complaint alleging that a member is guilty of professional misconduct or professional incompetence.  

Some examples of what may be involved in the PCC’s investigation include:

  • collecting and reviewing information, statements and records;
  • interviewing involved parties and witnesses;
  • inspecting the member’s place of practice;
  • observing the member’s practice; or

examining equipment or materials used by the investigated member.

The Discipline Committee (DC):

  • acts independently from the PCC.
  • strives to ensure the disciplinary proceedings are fair and transparent, while following the statute governing the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology in Saskatchewan (The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologist Act).
  • hear the evidence presented and decide if professional misconduct or professional incompetence has occurred and if so, what penalty is appropriate. Penalties will be determined according to the nature of the misconduct. 

Some examples penalties may include:

  • reprimand.
  • restrictions or conditions placed on ability to practice.
  • suspension of licence and/or registration.
  • loss of licence and/or registration.
  • payment of a fine.
  • payment of the investigation and hearing expenses and related costs.

CSASK’s complaint investigations and disciplinary proceedings must be fair, transparent, and efficient. As a result, the member/registrant must be fully informed of the allegations against them and be provided with a full and fair opportunity to respond.

  • Anyone registering a complaint must identify themselves. The complainant’s identify is often part of the specific details required in order for a member to meaningfully respond to the allegations against them.  As more information becomes available or if the complaint is referred to a discipline hearing, the duty of fairness requires a full disclosure of all information gathered throughout the investigation. 

CSASK only considers anonymous complaints in exceptional circumstances.

  • Please review all complaint process information and FAQs above.
  • Please review important CSASK documents under the Legislation tab on the CSASK website.
    • The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologist Act
    • The CSASK bylaws
    • The CSASK Code of Ethics
  • Not all complaints are referred to the Discipline Committee for a hearing. You will be notified if a disciplinary hearing is occurring.
  • You have the right to independent legal advice, if you choose (at your own expense) for any aspect of the complaint process.
  • You may consider contacting the national association (Speech-Language and Audiology Canada) to discuss additional supports available to you.
  • Please review CSASK’s complaint management process flowchart and FAQs above.
  • Once you have reviewed the information included on this webpage, click here to submit a complaint. 
  • When you submit a complaint, you are asking CSASK to look into the professional behaviour and/or services provided by the audiologist or speech-language pathologist named in the complaint.