Cross-Provincial Practice

As part of SASLPA’s work to eliminate barriers to service, the SASLPA has entered into an agreement between ourselves, Alberta (ACSLPA), Manitoba (CASLPM), Ontario (CASLPO), and New Brunswick (NBASLPA), and Alberta (ACSLPA). The purpose of this agreement is to allow for cross provincial practice either virtually or in person for

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Use of Doctor Title

Over the years, concerns have been brought to the SASLPA’s attention regarding the potential confusion that may arise for patients/clients if SASLPA registrants use the title “Doctor” inappropriately.  Based on these concerns as well as the Medical Profession Act, 1981, an advisory has been prepared regarding how registrants may use

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New NIHB Policy That May Impact Speech-Language Pathologists

The NIHB Program provides clients (registered First Nations and recognized Inuit) with coverage for a range of health benefits including prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, dental and vision care, medical supplies and equipment, mental health counselling, and transportation to access health services not available locally.  Information about the NIHB program

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