The NIHB Program provides clients (registered First Nations and recognized Inuit) with coverage for a range of health benefits including prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, dental and vision care, medical supplies and equipment, mental health counselling, and transportation to access health services not available locally.  Information about the NIHB program can be found at

The NIHB Program is pleased to announce that, effective September 1, 2019, a recommendation or an assessment report from an SLP will be accepted for the coverage of voice prostheses (both indwelling and non-indwelling) and accessories; voice amplifiers; speaking valves; electrolarynx; and a select group of laryngectomy products.

In addition to the assessment report, SLPs are asked to ensure that the following information is provided when recommending MS&E items:

  • The client’s full name and surname, and date of birth;
  • The item being recommended, including applicable details such as make/model, size, quantity, and frequency;
  • Date of the recommendation;
  • The SLP printed name, professional designation and title, and hand-written signature;
  • The SLP provincial licence number.  If there is no provincial regulatory body in the province/territory, the SLP  should provide their membership number with another provincial college or with Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC);
  • The SLP Business coordinates including phone number and email address;
  • Additional information that is specific to the benefit recommended, as per the Guide for Medical Supplies and Equipment Benefits;
  • The SLP recommendation should be dated and signed within the past 6 months.

Please refer to the attached Questions and Answers document for more information on this policy.  A list of items that SLPs can recommend can be found on the Government of Canada Website on the Medical Supplies and Equipment Benefit Lists.  Information concerning the medical supplies and equipment policies can be found on the Guide for Medical Supplies and Equipment Benefits.

FAQ English SLPs
FAQ French SLPs

Inquiries to the NIHB Program can be sent by email to