Indigenous Services Canada / Non-Insured Health Benefits Program – Services aux Autochtones Canada / Programme des Services de santé non assurés


Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) is a national program that provides eligible registered First Nations and recognized Inuit coverage for a range of medically necessary health benefits when they are not otherwise covered through private or provincial/territorial health insurance plans or social programs.


We would like to bring to the attention of your members that a number of prescription/recommendation and assessment forms have been developed to use with client assessments and equipment and supplies ordering. These forms were created to streamline the review process and to ensure that health professionals submit all required information when requesting coverage under the Program. The following forms are available:

  • Wound care
  • Specialized feeding bottles
  • Single use negative pressure wound therapy
  • Home hospital bed and pressure relieving surface
  • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
  • Electric breast pump
  • PAP-accredited sleep disorder centres
  • Oximetry
  • Medical supplies and equipment assessment/recommendation form

The most current version of these forms is posted on the Express Script Canada  NIHB Provider and Client Website at > provider > medical supplies and equipment > forms.


Please inform your members of these assessment forms and note that these forms are revised when needed.

For more information concerning NIHB’s medical supplies and equipment benefit coverage please consult the Medical Supplies and Equipment Guide and Benefit Lists for First Nations and Inuit.